Securing API Gateway Endpoints for Public Websites: Best Practices and Considerations


In today's digital landscape, API Gateway endpoints are invaluable for building interactive and data-driven web applications. However, securing these endpoints is paramount to safeguard your data and protect your application from unauthorized access. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore different methods of securing API Gateway endpoints used in public websites. We'll cover various techniques, including Referrer headers, API keys, Lambda authorizers, Amazon Cognito, server-side code for authentication, environment variables, proxy servers, OAuth/token-based authentication, CORS, HTTPS, rate limiting, and throttling. Additionally, we'll emphasize the importance of handling authentication and authorization on the server side for enhanced security.

The Challenge: Exposing API Gateway Endpoints in Frontend Code

When building a public website, it's common to interact with external APIs through API Gateway endpoints. One approach is to include these endpoints directly in HTML and JavaScript code. However, this practice presents security challenges.

Exposure from the Browser

When you expose an API Gateway endpoint in your frontend code, it becomes accessible to anyone who inspects your website's source code. This includes malicious actors who can potentially exploit the exposed endpoint for unauthorized data access or abuse.

Exposure from Desktop Tools like Postman

API endpoints exposed in frontend code are also vulnerable to exploitation from desktop tools like Postman. Users can easily replicate API requests made by your website and potentially overload your servers or access data they shouldn't.

Method 1: Referrer Header-Based Restriction

One method to restrict access to your API Gateway endpoint is by leveraging the Referer header. This header indicates the source URL of an HTTP request, allowing you to control access based on the originating website.

Method 2: API Keys

API keys are a widely adopted mechanism for securing API Gateway endpoints. Each client, including your website, receives a unique API key, which must be included in requests to access the endpoint.

Method 3: Lambda Authorizers

Lambda authorizers are custom functions that provide authorization and fine-grained access control for API Gateway endpoints. You can use Lambda authorizers to implement complex authorization logic based on various factors.

Method 4: Amazon Cognito User Pools

Amazon Cognito User Pools provide a fully managed user directory service that makes it easy to add user registration and authentication to your web applications. You can integrate Amazon Cognito User Pools directly with API Gateway to act as an authorizer.

The Safer Approach: Server-Side Authentication and Authorization

While these methods offer various levels of protection for your API Gateway endpoints, it's essential to understand their strengths and limitations. They can enhance the security of your endpoints but are not immune to potential threats and vulnerabilities.

The safest approach is to handle authentication and authorization on the server side. By using server-side components like Express.js, Flask, or similar frameworks, you can implement fine-grained control over who can access your API endpoints. This approach ensures that sensitive information, such as API keys, is kept secure on the server and never exposed in frontend code.

Additional Security Measures

To further enhance the security of your API Gateway endpoints, consider the following measures:

Environment Variables

Store sensitive information like API keys as environment variables on your server. Inject these variables into your frontend code securely during the build or runtime.

Server-Side Code for Authentication

Implement server-side authentication logic to validate and authorize users. Server frameworks like Express.js and Flask can help you achieve this.

Proxy Server

Set up a proxy server that securely handles API requests, ensuring that API keys and other sensitive information are kept confidential on the server.

OAuth or Token-Based Authentication

Implement OAuth or token-based authentication for enhanced security. These mechanisms can provide secure access to your API endpoints.

Cross-Origin Restrictions (CORS)

Configure CORS settings on your API Gateway to allow requests only from authorized domains. This helps prevent unauthorized websites from making requests to your API.


Always use HTTPS to encrypt data transmitted between the client and server, protecting sensitive information in transit.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

Implement rate limiting and throttling for API key usage to prevent abuse and mitigate the impact of key exposure.


Securing API Gateway endpoints for public websites is a critical aspect of web application development. While methods like the Referrer header, API keys, Lambda authorizers, and Amazon Cognito offer various levels of protection, they are not foolproof, especially against determined attackers using tools like Postman.

To maximize the security of your API endpoints, it's advisable to avoid exposing them in frontend code. Instead, implement authentication and authorization on the server side using trusted server frameworks. This approach not only enhances security but also provides greater control and flexibility, ensuring that your public website remains safe and resilient in the face of evolving threats.