Simplified Guide: How to Register a Domain Using CloudFront


In today's digital landscape, having a strong online presence is vital for businesses and individuals alike. One of the first steps towards establishing an online identity is registering a domain name. In this article, we will explore how to register a domain using CloudFront, a popular content delivery network (CDN) provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). CloudFront offers a straightforward process for registering domains, enabling you to easily manage your DNS records and accelerate content delivery. Let's dive into the step-by-step guide!

Step 1: Set Up an AWS Account:

If you don't have an AWS account yet, you will need to create one. Visit the AWS website ( and follow the instructions to create an account. Once you have an account, log in to the AWS Management Console.

Step 2: Accessing the CloudFront Service:

After logging in to the AWS Management Console, search for "CloudFront" in the search bar. Click on the CloudFront service to access it.

Step 3: Create a CloudFront Distribution:

To register a domain using CloudFront, you need to create a distribution. Click on the "Create Distribution" button to begin the process.

Step 4: Choose Distribution Settings:

In the distribution settings, you have two options: Web or RTMP. Select "Web" to create a distribution for websites and other HTTP(S) content.

Step 5: Configure Origin Settings:

In this step, you need to specify the origin settings. Enter the domain name of your website or the origin server's domain name. You can also configure additional settings such as the protocol policy and origin protocol policy.

Step 6: Set Default Cache Behavior:

In this section, you can define cache behaviors for your website. You can specify path patterns, cache TTL (Time To Live), and other caching-related settings. If you're unsure, you can stick with the default settings for now.

Step 7: Specify Distribution Settings:

Here, you need to provide additional information about your distribution, such as the domain name for the distribution, SSL certificate settings, and whether to distribute your content globally.

Step 8: Review and Create:

Review all the settings you've configured so far and make any necessary changes. Once you're satisfied, click on the "Create Distribution" button to create your CloudFront distribution.

Step 9: Update DNS Records:

After successfully creating your CloudFront distribution, you will receive a CloudFront domain name. Now, you need to update your DNS records to point your domain to the CloudFront distribution. Log in to your domain registrar's website or contact your DNS provider to update the required DNS records. Typically, you need to create a CNAME record that points your domain to the CloudFront domain name.

Step 10: Wait for DNS Propagation:

DNS propagation can take some time, ranging from a few minutes to several hours, for the changes to take effect. During this period, your domain may still point to the old location. Be patient and give it some time.


Registering a domain using CloudFront offers a reliable and efficient way to manage your DNS records and enhance content delivery for your website. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up your domain with CloudFront and take advantage of its numerous benefits. Remember, it may take some time for DNS changes to propagate, so allow for a grace period before your domain fully resolves to the CloudFront distribution. Embrace the power of CloudFront and establish a strong online presence with ease!