Comprehensive Guide to Securely Converting an HTTP Domain to HTTPS with AWS Route 53, S3, and CloudFront


In today's digital age, ensuring the security of your website and its interactions is paramount. Converting an HTTP domain to HTTPS not only safeguards your users' data but also establishes credibility. If you're hosting your web pages on AWS S3 and aiming for optimal performance, the transition is straightforward. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with detailed instructions on how to convert your HTTP domain to HTTPS while securing the communication between your S3-hosted web pages and utilizing Amazon CloudFront for content delivery acceleration and additional security. We'll also delve into AWS Route 53 configuration to ensure efficient traffic routing.

Step 1: Obtain an SSL/TLS Certificate

  1. Log in to your AWS Management Console.
  2. Navigate to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service.
  3. Click on "Request a certificate" and choose "Request a public certificate."
  4. Enter your domain names (e.g., and additional names if needed.
  5. Choose your preferred validation method, DNS validation is recommended.
  6. Follow the prompts to submit the certificate request.

Step 2: Verify Domain Ownership

  1. In ACM, select the certificate you just requested.
  2. Choose "Create record in Route 53" to automatically create the required DNS records for validation.
  3. ACM will handle the DNS validation process, and once completed, your certificate will be issued.

Step 3: Update S3 Static Website Hosting

  1. Head to the Amazon S3 dashboard.
  2. Select your S3 bucket that hosts your static website.
  3. Under "Properties," choose "Static website hosting."
  4. Enable "Use this bucket to host a website" if not already enabled.
  5. In the "Edit redirection rules" section, set up a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.

Step 4: Set Up Amazon CloudFront for Acceleration

  1. Navigate to the Amazon CloudFront console.
  2. Create a new CloudFront distribution.
  3. Set the origin to point to your S3 bucket's website endpoint.
  4. Configure CloudFront to use your SSL/TLS certificate for secure communication.
  5. Update your DNS records in AWS Route 53 to point to your CloudFront distribution's domain name.

Step 5: AWS Route 53 Configuration for Efficient Routing

  1. Open the AWS Route 53 dashboard.
  2. Select your hosted zone.
  3. Create a new record set for your domain (e.g.,
  4. Choose the appropriate routing policy (e.g., Simple routing or Weighted routing) based on your needs.
  5. Set the value of the record to be an alias to your CloudFront distribution's domain name, ensuring that the Alias option is enabled.
  6. Save your Route 53 configuration.

Step 6: Update Web Pages and API Endpoint

  1. Update your web page links to point to the HTTPS version of your CloudFront distribution.
  2. Ensure that any hardcoded URLs in your web pages use HTTPS.

Step 7: Test and Validate

  1. Save your changes and upload your web pages to the S3 bucket.
  2. Access your web pages via HTTPS through CloudFront to verify that the secure connection is established.

Step 8: Monitor and Maintain

  1. Regularly monitor your website to ensure HTTPS and CloudFront are working seamlessly.
  2. Renew your SSL/TLS certificate in ACM before its expiration.
  3. Keep an eye on the CloudFront settings for any updates.
  4. Monitor AWS Route 53 health and traffic flow to ensure efficient routing.


By following these detailed steps to convert an HTTP domain to HTTPS using AWS Route 53, S3, and CloudFront, you enhance the security of your website while achieving top-tier performance. With precise configuration and thorough monitoring, you can confidently transition to HTTPS, ensuring that sensitive user data remains protected, and your content is delivered securely and efficiently. Embrace the secure communication protocol, leverage the power of AWS services, and provide a safer, faster online experience for your users.